Marit Mevold
Examensprojekt Konceptuell scenkonst 2021
2021 års avgångsstudenter i Konceptuell scenkonst på Teaterhögskolan i Malmö presenterar sina examensprojekt.
Digital publik premiär 18 maj, 2021
2021 års avgångsstudenters examensverk visas publikt i digital form. De fanns tillgängliga för allmänheten fram till den 8 Juni, 2021 (3 veckor).
Under denna period var de digitala verken tillgängliga här på Teaterhögskolans webb-plats.
Marit Mevold - No*loc*l*ty (nonlocality)
Premiär 18 april, 2021.
Föreställningsbilder >>
No*loc*l*ty (Nonlocality) is a continuation of my 2 year long exploration of memory and everything it encapsulates. It is also an extension of my previous works Petrichor I & II, revolving inherited memory, the embodiment of memory and our collective memory as a species.
This piece is about our strongest memories and their ability to take us back in time. What happens in our body and mind when we remember?
And what relation do memories have in to time and space?
And what would you do if you could travel in time and in the multiverse through memories?
...“to exist” does not mean “to be a definite thing that you can point to directly.” To exist means to be profoundly ambiguous, such that ambiguity is a fantastic sig- nal of interpretive accuracy, within a specific (one’s own or some other system’s) ambiguity tolerance threshold.
-Timothy Morton
Text, video, concept and performance - Marit Mevold
Sounddesigner and composer- Johan Stertman