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Teaterhögskolans doktorand Charlotte Østergaard deltar i konferenser med sitt forskningprojekt

Tyger och trådar i olika färger i ett montage som hänger från taket. Foto.
Foto från "Co-Creative Knitting: explorations of an improvisational practices".

Teaterhögskolans doktorand Charlotte Østergaard deltar i Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskolas internationella konstnärliga konferens Alliances and Commonalities, den 17–19 oktober, 2024 tillsammans med tidigare doktorand Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir, samt konferensen Hurricanes and Scaffolding: Symposiumon Artistic research, Umeå Universitet 4–6 december 2024.

Charlotte Østergaard och Marie Ledendal, från institutionen för strategisk kommunikation vid Lunds universitet, presenterar deras gemensamma forkningsprojekt Co-Creative Knitting: explorations of an improvisational practices vid båda konferenserna. Tidigare doktorand SteinunnKnúts-Önnudóttirs medverkar också i Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskolas konferens med hennes doktorandprojekt. Läs mer nedan om de olika projekten och konferenserna.

Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskolas konferens Alliances and Commonalities 17–19 Oct, 2024 

Läs mer om konferensen direkt på Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskolan hemsida

Co-Creative Knitting: explorations of an improvisational practices – Charlotte Østergaard and Marie Ledendal (fil. dr, Textile Designer, Department of Strategic Communication, Lund University) 

The presentation dicusses the interplay between making and thinking, encompassing both human and non-human agencies, resulting in co-constructed knowledgeand meaning through performativ enad co-knittingpracitices. The performativelevture presetnsacollaborative work-in-progress project that explores dimmension of co-creative knittingpractives.  

Q: How is friction and/or coexistence embodied,felt, performed, manifested, made knowable in your artistic practice? 

We exploretje intricate sensory "dance" of influence – where the co-knitting becomesfriction and coexisting. As we knit. our fingertips encounter the mateiral of the yarn as the clicking of the the needles creates a rhytmic and auditory connection. The artistic practice become core to a way in which knowledge manifests in our bodies.   

Read more about the project here

Pleased to Meet You A Performative Encounter with the More-Than-Human – Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir The project How Little is Enough? strives to produce transformative experiences that counteract consumerism, through minimal means.   

Through the lens of existential sustainability, applying porous dramaturgy and performative encounters the research aims to create transformative experiences that create affective bonds between guests and the non-human.  A theatre maker and an artistic researcher working with sustainable methods of performance. Steinunn recently completed her PhD project How Little is enough? at Malmö Theatre Academy.  

Q: What in your research is most urgent to share right now?  

Humans need to be in connection with other humans and the more-than-human, in the same way we need food and shelter. To me making performances is about creating connections.   

I am interested in affordances, and in using the term ‘relation specific', I aim to highlight the relations that are being afforded, created, and/or reinforced during a performance.

Umeå Universitet konferens Hurricanes and Scaffolding: Symposium Artistic research, 4–6 Dec 20204

Läs mer om konferensen direkt på Umeå universitets hemsida

Caring for co- with knitting practices – Charlotte Østergaard and Marie Ledendal 

This presentation address research processes that discusses materiality of artistic practice and its implications.  

Taking point of departure in the making of a physical artefact, the presentation considers the interplay between making and thinking, encompassing both the human and the non-human, resulting in co-constructed knowledge and meaning through performative and textile practices. 

Drawing on artistic research, this work-in-progress presentation discuss the research process of exploring the dimensions of co-knitting performances. Addressing the following questions, the project explores artistic practices that are improvisational and experimental in nature: Which components and tools contribute to the phenomenon of co-knitting? How can partnership of playful improvisation enable novel ways to explore performative textile methods? How can documentation support ongoing exploration of methods for understanding the phenomenon and its various nuanced perspectives? With this proposal we introduce co-creative knitting practice, where yarn serves as a mediator for playful improvisation and experimental investigation.