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Porträttbild på Jörgen. Foto.

Jörgen Dahlqvist


Porträttbild på Jörgen. Foto.

Dramaturgies of Conversation to address challenges to Democracy


  • Fredrik Haller
  • Jörgen Dahlqvist

Summary, in English

Dramaturgies of Conversation to address challenges to Democracy Democracy is now the system to govern in just a little more than thirty countries, but dictatorships harbour seventy percent of the world population. Today, there is an ongoing war in Europe and in national elections in Sweden and Italy far-right parties have had successes. However, already before this happened there was great concern that democracy was under threat and autocracy was on the rise globally. Even if the future might look bleak to democracy, researchers say that it is not hopeless: “There is nothing inevitable about future outcomes. [...] Rather than suggesting that these countries are doomed, this is an invitation for action” (Lührmann et al. 2019, p. 4). This call for engagement was the source of inspiration for the artistic endeavours in this presentation. In two projects at Dramaten during the fall of 2021, different ways of interacting with the audience were explored with the aim of finding strategies to contribute to the democratic conversation and deliberation. In the first performance, Skapa Demokrati, we invited the audience to create a democracy by conversation and collaboration. In the other performance, Öva Demokrati, methods on how to become a more informed citizen were practised. These two performances were an exploration into finding a format that invited the audience to interact with the actors and amongst themselves to experience and make meaning of the performance event. The format invited the audience to speculate on how societies should be governed. A discussion of dramaturgical strategies was present during the entire work period. In this presentation we will present notions of how to provide a dramaturgy that allows for improvisational structures without losing narrative qualities.


  • Lärare (Teaterhögskolan)
  • Teaterhögskolan i Malmö






Konferensbidrag: abstract


  • Performing Arts

Conference name


Conference date


Conference place

Aarhus, Denmark

